Ayurvedic Weight Loss Strategy
4 minute read Weight- weighing you down ladies? Feel like your weighing scale got struck once you hit your thirties and it is
4 minute read Weight- weighing you down ladies? Feel like your weighing scale got struck once you hit your thirties and it is
3 minute read “You can tell the strength of a nation by the woman behind the men” -Benjamin Disraeli A world without women
2 minute read Hi I am Avinesh. I dont believe in stress until I hit the rock bottom. I am a photographer and artistic person. My ambitious behavior disregarded the overflowing emotional tantrums. Like a dam, I kept accumulating the oxidative damage to my body without having a warning system. One fine day, the dam walls broke, I had to kneel down to my stress, and say “Khaleesi I give up”.
3 minute read For many of us, coffee is a go-to drink. Roughly about 55 million people start their day with coffee. Our patient care team has found that almost 70% of the patients cannot give up coffee in their lifestyle routine plan. With the strong addiction that we have developed to coffee, we never realized why it became part of our daily life. Let’s see in this blog post why we cannot give up coffee.
3 minute read
The primary and most straightforward reason for Diwali Detox is you need to poop. If the stomach is disturbed, you will not have calm loo-time.
Nobody likes an uncomfortable stomach the day after Diwali.
3 minute read In our patient care service team, we hear many customers complaining about Ayurveda not working for them. Ayurveda is bound
6 minute read You saw that many of your diabetic friends were following a sugar-free or carb-free diet to lower the blood glucose level, and tried the same for you. But, it did not work right? Diet has different effect on each body type, so how we eat our food is more important
6 minute read With subjective Ayurveda diabetes treatment procedures, therapeutic exercises, and herbal diet, diabetes can be detached from your life without the help of medicines.
4 minute read To bring the alignment between the body and mind, forming a lifestyle that is aligning with your Prakriti is vital. As far as Kapha is concerned, daily routines can be really helpful to remove the heavy, congested, unmotivated, and lethargic attitude.
2 minute read Kind Kapha Kapha dosha is one of the three doshas governing our body, mind, and soul, given to us by
2 minute read The soul is the governing factor of body and mind. The head and heart should never start the war because
2 minute read Kapha prakriti are the best huggers. Kapha dormats have natural healing power that is soothing to your hurts. On the