How to eat for your Joint Pain : Diet Recipes
7 minute read Food is the best medicine in this entire world. Cliche advice in every Indian household. Even in this 21st VUCA
7 minute read Food is the best medicine in this entire world. Cliche advice in every Indian household. Even in this 21st VUCA
5 minute read Arthritis is not just joint pain. While you are walking, ever thought about what will happen if your joints stop
8 minute read Vata, the king of dosha, is a toddler and the reason for stress.
If you can balance Vata energy in your body and mind, the chances of stress and depression are reduced to a low level.
5 minute read Stress is like love. What you see, feel and encounter is completely different from what your friend. Understand your body-mind type so that you can handle your own stress symptoms with a swag.
5 minute read Stress The funny thing about stress is you need to stress your tongue against the teeth to pronounce the word.
5 minute read How to not give up on getting blemish-free skin? Acne is your common annoying neighbor who refuses to go away.
4 minute read Introduction Since the time Corona made its appearance, common people like you and me turned into health freaks overnight. At
9 minute read Nalpamaradi Thailam is a classical varnya thailam—skin brightening oil—from Ayurveda. If you know how to use it for your skin type, you can see benefits faster than you imagine.
6 minute read Introduction Once in an Interview, a HR shot a question about bedtime. The candidate replied “I am a hustler, I
13 minute read Self love is now a hot topic these days. When self-love is on-point, you will have a healthy life with
3 minute read From Dalgona coffee to Tik-Tok ban, India is full of fresh news each day. The year 2020, is giving so
3 minute read Diabetes is not a disease but a lifestyle disorder. Western system or system of medicine has convinced that diabetes mellitus