Last updated on August 21, 2024 by Dr. Subashri Thanigaivel
Have you heard of the phrase – “Herbs are the friend of the physician and the pride of cooks.”
Yes, it was rightly said that Herbs naturally enrich the flavor of the food which is a pride for the cook and it contains health-promoting properties that make the physician a friend of the physician.
Herbs also have the quality of curing many diseases naturally.
Herbs are usually added flavors that are used as spices ranging from barks (cinnamon), berries (peppercorns), seeds (cumin), roots (turmeric), flowers (chamomile), buds (cloves), and stigmas of flowers (saffron), etc.
Consuming herbs-enriched food can improve your immune system and help you have a balanced healthy routine.
Diabetes management needs obedience that ranges from changing your lifestyle, consuming less sugar, exercising your body, and so on. Food in itself has various properties for curing and managing diabetes.
Trying out the below-mentioned herbs can help you to manage your diabetes.
Jamun (Black Plum)
Black Jamun has kashaya & tikta rasa in brackets which helps in reducing excessive fat levels in your body.
It has a low glycemic index which aids in maintaining normal blood sugar levels in your body. Having Juicy black plum can help in reducing the levels of thirst and urination.
And also it has high levels of antioxidants, calcium, iron, and phosphorus which in turn can help in increasing hemoglobin levels keeping you healthy and active always.

Karela (Bitter Gourd)
Bitterness is one of the six types of taste that adds to the flavor of the food.
Often, we don’t like bitterness but this taste in Karela can help you decrease blood glucose levels by preventing free radical formation. Bitterness improves liver detoxification and aids in metabolism.
It is greatly used for diabetic complications.

Green Leaves (Tulasi)
Usage of Tulsi leaves helps to lower blood sugar levels as it contains hypoglycaemic properties. It also helps in increasing insulin secretion, and also absorption of glucose by cells. You can also chew Tulasi leaves in a raw manner that aids in diabetes management. It helps in reducing stress levels in the body and is also a natural immunity booster.
You can consume Tulasi by adding a few leaves into hot water or you can crush dried leaves into a fine powder and consume in a raw manner.
It also assists in burning out excessive calories and contains high levels of antibiotic properties.

Haldi (Turmeric)
“A man may esteem himself happy when that which is his food is also his medicine.”
Turmeric is one such spice that has flavored medicinal value and also enhances the nutrients of the food.
There is a verse from Samhitas that goes- “Dhatri-Nisha Prameheshu…” It means that amla and turmeric can be a great remedy for Diabetes Mellitus (Prameha). It boosts your immune system which regularizes your metabolism levels and helps in insulin resistance.
Adding turmeric helps in optimal functioning of liver enzymes that helps in metabolism and also prevents diabetes. It has antioxidant properties that purify and improves the quality of blood thereby helping in diabetes management.

Amla (gooseberry)
As we all know, Amla contains VitaminC which when consumed helps in maintaining a good immune system in the body. Consuming Amla detoxifies your body and also normalizes metabolism by reducing the fat levels in your body.

Wondering how to consume Amla?
It’s not about what you eat. It’s always about how you eat.
Eating just one fresh Indian gooseberry a day can keep your blood sugar at a steady level. If you find the taste too tangy or sour, try sipping a glass of water immediately after eating the fruit to give a normal taste
Drying the amla pulp, grinding it into a fine powder, and incorporating the dry amla powder into your diet can lower your blood sugar levels
Drinking amla juice daily can lower your blood sugar and help you maintain a healthy body weight
Thinking of adding these to your food?
Don’t give a second thought to adding these herbs to your food. Try to consume regularly to see effective changes. We at Liveright can help to heal from your diabetes naturally.
Stay Healthy and
Happie Eating…