Last updated on August 21, 2024 by Dr. Subashri Thanigaivel
Ayurveda is a longstanding tradition and system of holistic health care that is still well and alive in the roots of India and has started to spread its wings to the rest of the world. Ayurveda provides more than a skin-deep correction of the ailments. With persistence, you will see that this outstanding student of the human body has given the most excellent treatment without side effects.
Typically, Ayurveda is not a medical practice but a life principle that has been woven intricately within Mother Nature. The age-old tradition of Ayurveda was followed in every walk of life by our ancestors.
Ever wondered why the generations before ours never had the opportunity to visit a doctor or why even a 70-year-old grandpa was still working on par with youngsters in the farming lands? Well, the reason for that would be the proper food methods and the lifestyle.
Now to the main discussion, the importance of milk in Ayurveda. Milk is an activator of Ojas which is essentially the builder of immunity in your body. There is a treatise in Ayurveda, the Ashtanga Sangraha, an ancient text of Ayurveda which has a complete section named Ksheer Varga describing the nature and advantages of milk and milk products.
The text describes eight types of milk with a special emphasis on cow’s milk and their benefits:
1. Cow’s milk is a natural substitute for breast milk
2. Nourishes the tissues(Dhatus) of the body,
3. Good for injured and weak
4. Activates Ojas (immunity builder),
5. Has a cooling effect on the body and mind,
6. Improves life expectancy, intelligence, strength and has many more benefits.
It is best to avoid a cold glass of milk and switch to having it warm. Milk when paired with incompatible foods; may not get digested and leads to building up of toxins in the body. Foods compatible with warm milk are rice, cream of wheat, dates, and almonds.
This is a general description of cow’s milk as per ancient texts, but now times have changed and the way of producing milk is also now hand in hand with technological advancement. It is best to thoroughly inquire about the milk that is to be consumed and ask your ayurvedic specialist as to which milk is beneficial for your metabolism.
Connect with our LiveRight doctors to know the correct way to consume milk today.