Diabetes Symptoms You Must Not Miss!

Last updated on August 21, 2024 by Dr. Subashri Thanigaivel
2 minute read
2 minute read

Last updated on August 21, 2024 by Dr. Subashri Thanigaivel

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases and India has started calling diabetes capital of the world. According to WHO as many as 50 million people suffering from Type-2 diabetes, and number these numbers are growing day by day. With more than million new diagnoses each year. Let’s find out what are the symptoms of diabetes.

Frequent Urination

Diabetes is the condition in which your body cannot absorb excess sugars. When sugar builds up, your kidney needs a way to flush it all out quickly. The kidney will draw as much moisture as possible from the food and beverages you’ve consumed and even some from your tissue, to create enough urine to remove excess sugar from the body, causing frequent urination.

Thirst & Hunger

Because of excessive urination, untreated diabetics are often extremely thirsty. When your body uses as much water as possible to flush out excess sugar, there’s name left for use in other parts of your body. Your thirst reaction is a direct result of dehydration. As you drink you’ll urinate more, creating a cycle of thirst. Constant hunger, on the other hand, is a result of your body’s inability to absorb the energy from glucose.

Weight Loss

Without the energy from glucose, your body needs to draw energy from other areas of the body to continue functioning. Often, the first things to go are fat stores and muscle mass, causing inexplicable weight loss or an inability to gain weight. If the weight loss continues without medical intervention, you could experience negative effects like dizziness and hair loss.


When your body doesn’t have the energy to function properly. It’s likely you’ll feel tired or weak when you’re usually alert. Dehydration may also be a contributing factor. If diabetes is left untreated for long enough, the body’s fat stores and muscle may be unable to sustain its function, leading to more fatigue. All the fatigue, weakness, thirst and hunger may also contribute to irritability.

Blurry Vision

All the moisture needed to continuously flush out excess sugar through your kidneys has come from somewhere. In addition to the food you eat, your kidneys will draw moisture from all areas of your body, including your eyes. When your eyes don’t have enough water, you’re unable to focus, causing blurred vision. It left untreated, blood vessels in the retina can be damaged, which may be lead to vision loss.

Pain Or Tingling

Increased glucose can lead to neuropathy, or nerve damage, which may cause your appendages to tingle or ache. Most often people with diabetes report tingling hands and feet and a burning pain in their arms. In some cases, patients even report a loss of sensation in their hands and feet.

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