5 Best Foods For Stomach/Mouth Ulcers

Last updated on August 21, 2024 by Dr. Subashri Thanigaivel
4 minute read
“Something feels uncomfortable! My appetite has gone low. I think that even after several hours of my meal, I am not getting hungry, furthermore, I feel indigestion. At times, I also have this strange burning sensation in my stomach, as if food is being cooked inside and not digested.”
5 Best Foods For Stomach/Mouth Ulcers
4 minute read

Last updated on August 21, 2024 by Dr. Subashri Thanigaivel

Are you frequently suffering from mouth or stomach ulcers? Then this is something that you need. Specially spotlighted for you. Some best food types that you should include in your diet when you are suffering from ulcers.

5 Best Foods For Stomach/Mouth Ulcers


3 best ways to have curd;

  1. Eat freshly prepared curd that has no sour taste in it.
  2. If you are not a curd lover, buttermilk is one of the best options. Add 4 glasses of water to one cup of curd. Mix well by adding jeera, coriander leaves, or fenugreek.
  3. Churn the cream to prepare fresh butter and include that in your diet.


There are more nutrients found in coconut milk when compared to coconut water.

One of the best foods for ulcers that helps with indigestion and low appetite. Coconut milk is thick and heavy. So add more water than usual and dilute it before drinking. 

Coconut milk with string hoppers and honey is one of the best combinations. If this doesn’t suit you, then you can just add honey to coconut milk and prepare your drink. 


Bitter gourd – the name of the vegetable itself calls it a bitter food. I am sure you would never or rarely include bitter gourd in your meal.  

Interestingly, the anti-microbial property of bitter gourd helps in inhibiting the growth of bacteria that cause ulcers. Moreover, it increases the mucus secretions and reduces the acid secretion in the stomach, helping in ulcer recovery.

You can include bitter gourd as juice or just as a boiled/cooked vegetable in your meal.


Good for loose motions (diarrhea), anemia, and ulcer conditions; it is best taken in the morning.

Pomegranate juice is a prevalent form of intake. If you prefer pomegranate juice, then add honey in place of sugar for taste. Eating pomegranate as a fresh fruit is more advisable & healthy than a fresh juice. 

The white flesh and the skin of the fruit are edible, so make sure to include them too. You can also find the powdered form of pomegranate skin in the market. Eat that powder mixed with honey, in case you avoid eating the fresh white flesh of the fruit. 


One of the most important ingredients that helps in maintaining your gut health. Jeera helps in boosting low appetite, aids in indigestion, relieves bloating, and reduces stomach irritation due to acidity. It also improves the immunity of the mucus secreted in the stomach lining and thereby helps in ulcer recovery.

You can intake Jeera in three different ways – choice is yours!

  • Eat raw Jeera – chew it and then drink a glass of water.
  • Soak Jeera overnight in water. And then drink it early in the morning.
  • Add Jeera to water, boil it, and use it as drinking water.

Small Tips To Remember

  • Other foods/ingredients that you can include in your diet during ulcer – wheat, ash gourd, snake gourd, bottle gourd, ivy gourd, ghee, brinjal, plantain, banana flower (valaipoo), veld grape, aloe vera, fig (dry or fruit), dry grapes, and boiled water at room temperature for drinking.
  • Apart from diet, exercises, yoga, and meditation are an added benefit for your health.
  • What to avoid in your diet? – urad dal, horse gram, sesame seeds, sour curd, sour buttermilk, dosa, or idli made out of sourdough, sour and spicy foods, fast foods, junk foods, heavy foods, etc.
  • Strictly avoid smoking and drinking.


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