What is Gout?- Part 1

2 minute read
What is Gout ?
2 minute read

More often, when we see people suffering from arthritis, we often find them complaining about severe pain in their joints. But sometimes, there would be an intense swelling along with redness in certain joints of the body. This inflammation is called Gout.

Gout- Ayurvedic perspective

Gout is known as vatapradhana tridosaha vyadhi where rakta (blood) is the main dushya (reason). Vata raka is a condition where vata and rakta have been vitiated due to various etiological conditions like sedentary lifestyle, consuming high protein diet, excessive alcohol intake is some of the precipitating factors which cause acute exacerbation of vatarakta.

At the same time, excess intake of protein drinks can even be a cause of gout attack. When the body is unable to absorb or metabolize the protein, it stays back in the body and gets deposited at the joints.

How to increase protein absorption?

Herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari,  Amla, Goskshura, Guduchi and so on aid in increasing the protein absorption of the body. Formulated as lehyam, these herbs also regulate health, decrease fatigue and strengthen the muscles.

Do you know? Gout is one of the most frequently recorded medical illness throughout history

What triggers a gout attack?

The gout attack often happens in and around the big toe. But, there have been documented cases of individuals suffering from the onslaught of gout in the ankle, elbows, knee joints and so on. During a gout attack, the individual will suffer from severe pain, inflammation, and redness in the joints. One of the points to know about this chronic condition is that a gout attack can happen at any time. It is commonly known as “Flare or Flares-up”

Gout symptoms:

In most cases, the gout attack first occurs at the big toe. The symptoms of this chronic condition are usually characterized into:

1. Pain – Tiny and sharp crystals build around the joints, causing extreme pain.

2. Swelling- The area in and around the joints start to swell. It often looks like swelling due to injury.

3. Redness- The joints will appear red in color.

4. Hot- The inflamed joint will radiate a certain warmth. Some people describe their gout attack as their joint being on fire.

5. Stiffness- This symptom is found in cases of chronic gout. The joint becomes stiff after several attacks of gout.

Risk factors of gout:

There are several reasons that trigger a gout attack in an individual:

Age and Gender:

Recent studies have concluded that men are more susceptible to gout as they produce more uric acid. But, when a woman reaches menopause, they also produce the same level of uric acid as men.


A family history of Gout increases the risk of this condition in the individual.

Lifestyle Choices:

Poor lifestyle choices like consumption of alcohol, an irregular diet with high salt intake also lead to gout. Alcoholism is also one of the leading factors that cause protein deposition in the joints.


Being obese leads to a gout attack as there is excess body tissue leading to the production of increased metabolic waste, uric acid. Higher fat levels in the body can also increase gout inflammation as they produce pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Other health conditions:

Renal problems like dysfunction or insufficiency can induce gout attack. As the body loses its ability to remove waste products, it leads to an increase in uric acid. Sometimes, even high blood pressure and diabetes also result in this chronic condition.

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