Last updated on August 21, 2024 by Dr. Subashri Thanigaivel
When we hear the word “Varma Kalai,” the famous south Indian movie of Indian and 7am Arivu comes up in our memory. It is often misunderstood to be a defense technique, whereas it is an ancient system of medicine well-documented in ancient texts. Varma Kalai is perceived to have more than 108 types of Varmam connected to the pressure points of our body.
The principles of Varma indicate the balance of all three doshas of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in equilibrium is vital for a healthy living.
Varma is considered to be the mother of modern techniques like acupuncture, acupressure, and fighting techniques like Kung Fu and Karate.
This system of medicine was present even before; doctors had access to healing herbs and other forms of medication.
Varma in real life:
The essence of Varma is entwined with our daily lives. Here are a few examples:
1. The tapping of our head when we suddenly get a cough
2. The stimulation of the spot between our eyes when we feel confused
3. The action of scratching our head when we are stuck with a problem

Do You Know? Life starts with a Varmatap
It is a practice followed worldwide, when a baby is born, it is standard practice to tap the newborn in the back between the spinal plates. Once tapped in the scapula, the infant will cry aloud, and that is the sign of a healthy infant.
The point of Varma is to stimulate and activate the pressure points in our body that help in fortifying and protecting our bodies. Therein lies the concept of taking an oil bath every Saturday. By massaging the child well with essential oils complete with a hot tub relaxes the child. It also soothes the muscles and bones from any potential injuries that happened during the week.
Varma Kalai is often used to treat people suffering from many conditions. Connect with LiveRight’s panel of doctors today to know more about Varma Kalai and its benefits.
Watch more about Varma Kalai in the below video by Dr.Mathivanan