Last updated on August 21, 2024 by Dr. Subashri Thanigaivel
The world is gushing about the classical Ayurveda drink, the Kabasura shots.
Many of the herbal stores have run out of the Kabasura Choornam in their stock.
Kabasura Kudineer or Kashayam is a classical preparation of decoction in Ayurveda used in the treatment of viral infections. In this blog post, you will understand why the herbal drinks like Nilavembu and Kabasura are popular at certain times of the “epidemic or pandemic history”
Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani form of medicines had acted as an effective supportive form of medicine system at many times.
Back in 2003 when dengue was spreading across, the government’s active approach was to wipe out the mosquitos but in 2017-2019 dengue fever, the Ministry of Health stepped forward with proactive management—Nilavembu Kashyam, Nilavembu Kudineer and Public Sanitization.
Also, we could never forget the Swine Flu attack in the southern part of India. The H1N1 virus also known as the Nippa virus exerted similar symptoms to that of the current COVID-19. Then back the state health department encouraged Ayurveda and Siddha medicine to treat the swine flu.
Viral infections attack your respiratory system and bring down your immunity through symptoms like fever, nasal congestion, sputum, sore throat, watering in eyes, headaches and body pain. The traditional form of health treatment in India proved to comfort the patients and aid them in speedy recovery.
The herbal drinks in Ayurveda act as immunomodulant in the treatment plan. Immuno modulant are elements that can correct your immune system. They don’t target the virus or the bacteria which is harming your body, instead they focus on your immune system and help your body to develop the fighting pattern against the infection.
So, the Nilavembu and other herbal drinks like Kabasura Kudineer are really worth consuming and here we will decode why you can rely on them during viral infections.
Viral Infections History
Dengue Outbreak in 2003, Dengue Preventive Measures in 2017 and H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic in 2009 are all undetermined virus attacks before the current COVID-19. None of them had an antidote or vaccine to prevent the spread.
These unpredictable viruses need a host to live and survive. If they don’t find a host, they die in 12 hours or fewer depending on the virus’s biological properties. That is why social distancing and public hygiene, using tissues and sanitizers, are advised by WHO.
The viral infections have quite a few common characteristics like symptoms, signs and the infection spreading rate. Here are the common symptoms that are found commonly in all the viral infections
2.Sore throat
3.Cough (Dry or Mucous)
4.Body pain or Fatigue
Even the SARS & MERS also exhibited the same symptoms. When your immunity is too low, it is possible for you to catch these infections. It is the same as catching a “viral fever”.
When your colleague at the office next to you is coughing all the day and has a slight fever, but then in two days, you also catch the same fever from him/her. This is a common scenario.
But your ordinary viral fever will not spread to the lower respiratory tract or move towards the kidney/liver because your body has “default immunity” which is enough to fight those viruses.
In case of the recent viral outbreaks, your immune system has to be like Iron Man or Captain America, because your antibodies need the proactive approach here. The WBC should be healthy enough that it doesn’t catch the infection. In case you get the infection, and there is not enough power for your antibodies to fight then they will give up and it leads to fatality conditions.
The synthetic antidote is unavailable, but mother earth has always given solution to anything and everything—Ayurveda. Immunity boosting medicines are present in the herbs and plants that can help your antibodies to stand powerful against the viral infections.
Kabasura Kudineer
Kabasura Choornam is a classical Siddha combination that is proven Siddha medicine, which puts any fever in offline mode.
In sanskrit, kapha–cold; jwara–fever; kashayam – concoction.
The increased kapha should be normalized by giving diet and drugs which possess varatchi (dry) and veppam (heat) characteristics.
The choornam comprises a mixture of almost 23 and more natural ingredients. Without realising, we humans have been using few Kabasura ingredients in our daily life-Ginger, Vibithaki, Lavanga, Thippali, etc.,
‘Kabasura Kudineer’ will provide an effective remedy for a range of fevers, shivering, cough, nasal congestion, body pain, diarrhoea, irritation and watering in the eyes.
Kabasura Kudineer Usage/Dosage
When you prepare a decoction (Kashyam) form, you can take it only twice a week. But if you dislike the heavy bitterness in the decoction, you can prepare them with less thickness in a water form(concoction),kudineer, that can be taken twice daily before or after 30 mins of food.

Kabasura Kudineer benefits
“Fever healer” is the nickname given to our Kabasura Choornam in Ayurveda. At ancient times when there was a viral outbreak or pandemic, fever is one common symptom which accompanies all the outbreaks.
The rise in body temperature is one way of the antibody trying to kill the antigen, but the side effects they bring like, watering eyes, pain, mucus and cough are all another way for the infection to spread across the respiratory system.
Kabasura Kudineer does not fight the virus or the infectious microorganism, instead, it tries to correct your immune system. It strengthens the WBC cells in the respiratory tract and they boost the immunity against the infection and it heals you.
Nilavembu Kudineer
The herbal plant, Nilavembu, exerts antipyretic property. Antipyretic medicine reduces fever or inflammation. Nilavembu is an Ayurveda “immunity supplements”. Ayurveda brings this richness of the Nilavembu in its classical preparation called as Nilavembu Kudineer.
Nilavembu is a green plant and is native to India. This plant comprises an active constituent known as Andrographolide. It is an “immunomodulant” molecule. The reason behind Nilavembu being a potent Siddha medicine against fever is because of this element.
Nilavembu choornam is a mixture of 9 ingredients which includes Black Pepper, the spice that is found in your kitchen.
Nilavembu Kudineer Dosage/Usage
This can be prepared in heavy consistency like Kashyam and consumed weekly twice or in Kudineer consistency and consumed daily.

Nilavembu Kudineer Benefits
Fever occurs because of the heavy toxins present in your body. Nilavembu helps in flushing out the toxins without worsening the internal inflammation further. It acts as a modifier to your immune system and aids in developing the strong immunity pattern against viral infections.
Any disease or viral infection which has fever as the main (major) symptom can be treated with Nilavembu Kudineer. On regular days, all can consume weekly once this decoction.
Shadanga Paniya
The drink is popular in most of the Ayurveda treatment plans. This drink helps your body to cope up with the side effects of fever and other diseases. They act more as the normal drinking water, but an enhanced version.
In all the viral infections, along with fever, burning sensation and excessive thirst are two common symptoms found because of the increased toxins present in the body. The aggravated Pitta dosha energy results in a very uncomfortable digestion too.
Shadanga Paniya Benefits
Shadanga paniya is consumed to decrease the toxins and also control the aggravation of Pitta and Kapha Dosha. The ingredients of the Shadanga Paniya Choornam comprises home remedy substances like ginger and vetiver. Shadanga Paniya is also known for treating food poisoning ailments.
Shadanga Paniya Dosage/Usage
The preparation of the Shadanga Paniya Choornam is simple when compared to that of the Nilavembu or Kabasura kudineer. This choornam can be added to your normal drinking water and you can leave them to precipitate down in your water bottles and drink the water. But it is best when you add them to boiling water.

Ayurveda has a lot to offer more than these 3 herbal drinks. You can try the above three and if you like to learn more about the immunity tips, don’t forget to leave your email in our subscription box.
If you want to know about other classical preparations of the Ayurveda, tell us in the comment section. We will send you a guide.